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Anatomy homework help

“Article: The Current State of Human Anatomy and Physiology in the Presence of the COVID-19 Virus”
As a nation, and in our families and communities, we are facing a national crisis of epic proportions: the presence of the COVID-19 virus, and the monumental impact on our lives.  Not since the year 1918 has the United States had to grapple with such a widespread critical health threat.  It has permeated every facet of our lives, from the simple personal errands we must do, to spending time with family and friends, and threatening our economy, greater than any financial crisis since The Great Depression in August 1929.
So too, with such ease, it is possible to transmit the virus from person to person to increase the spread of the disease.  We have seen over 226,000 of our citizens die in the span of about 9 months. As painful as that is, we have to begin to look at the disease, relative to the human body, our anatomy and physiology, and the immediate and long-term effects. The anatomical and physiological effects are the boundaries of this class. You are the nation’s future and your thoughts, actions, and contributions matter!
With that understanding, your assignment is to research the virus and discuss it in terms of the limits of this class. You are to report on the destructive nature of the virus, specific to the topics of anatomy and physiology with regards to how it affects humans, our structures and how it debilitates the functions of all our the systems. Though this class does not cover all the human biological systems, you may include any pertinent information, regarding any human biological system that you decide you would like to address, from the cardiovascular to lymphatic-immune systems to the blood system and of course any topics covered in this semester’s curriculum. Your textbook can provide a good launching point to decide what topics you would like to discuss.
You article will be graded according to a rubric which is outlined below.  Additional parameters include the following:

  • You MUST address the respiratory system since it is considered an airborne disease and transmitted as such.
  • You MUST address any or all of the special senses to which signs & symptoms are indicative to the presence of the disease.
  • You MUST address the neurological effects on the entire nervous system.
  • You MUST include a component, and address the mental and psychological impact on the human biological system, because the neurological system is centrally affected relative to neurotransmitters and hormones. It is evident that our nation is now struggling with epidemic proportions of depression from months long-term effects, psychologically which are driven neurologically.
  • You may only address the above topics or you are free to add other systems, BUT you must include the above criteria.
  • You MUST follow AMA (American Medical Association) formatting guidelines. No other formatting type will be accepted. I have posted a PowerPoint presentation on your Course Content page so you can research how to cite for your article. This is the health science field and students should be familiar with this type of formatting as it will be in your educational futures, relative to your chosen healthcare tract. Should any student submit any other type of formatting, they will receive no points.
  • Font size MUST be 10-point, Times New Roman type, 1-inch margins, and double spaced, title page, and references page
  • This is not an opinion paper so there is no interjecting one’s opinion, political or otherwise. It is also not a personal statement, though I recognize some students might have lost family members, and it might be difficult to complete this assignment.
  • You MUST use at least 3 peer reviewed journal articles as references and a minimum of 5 references are required. Your textbook is a good reference tool. Be sure to cite it correctly, though.
  • You may also use the following news sources BUT NO If the source is NOT on my list, you may not cite it or use it.
  • Be sure to go through the library so that you can have access to all the journals that Miami Dade College contracts for.

The New Yorker                   The Wall Street Journal                      The Atlantic          CNN  /  MSNBC
The New York Times          Washington Post                                  Politico                   The New York Post                                             National Public Radio  (NPR)                                                           American Medical Association
American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)                   Any peer reviewed psychological journals on the                 following website:                https://psydprograms.com/2011/top-25-psychology-journals-and-publications/

  • Your article MUST be no shorter than 10 pages, typed, and the title page and references page(s) are NOT included in the page count. Formatting, correct reference citing, and plagiarism are all monitored.
  • Such a formal article is ONLY written from the third person; no personal input and do not write it from the first person positional voice.
  • Final due date is 12/6/2020, by 11:59 pm. No extensions will be given. It may be submitted at any time.
Criteria Rubric Points
Grammar, syntax, spelling, consistent and appropriate voice, comprehensive and precise word choice, no errors in agreement, pronouns or tense, no punctuation or capitalization errors; 6 or less errors acceptable before point deductions begin 35
Organizational presentation, structural presentation, topic clear, research support for topic complex, complete, & in-depth, writer involved with subject, clear, appropriate organization, with effective transitions, introduction, and conclusion 130
Formatting guidelines – AMA ONLY: All sources properly cited in both paper and references page, almost zero or no errors in format or punctuation 35



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