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Biology homework help

Biology homework help.

Your assignment is to write a 2-3 page paper that includes a critical evaluation of a scientific study published in a scholarly or professional journal. Your paper must include the following:
Your article must come from a peer-reviewed scholarly/professional journal (5 points).
A proper citation of the article (see www.apa.org (Links to an external site.) for information on creating proper citations or go to Citation Machine (Links to an external site.) to help yourself create one). Proper formatting of your paper should be a font of 10-11, single-spaced with a header or footer with your name, the date and the name of the class. Spelling and punctuation correct. PLEASE HAVE SOMEONE PROOF-READ YOUR PAPER TO LOOK FOR ERRORS  (10 points)
A brief summary of the article, including the hypothesis, the design of the study, the subjects and measures used, and the results. (25 points)
Compare the summary of the study (found at the beginning of the article) and the actual study information (long-form information in the rest of the article) to see if there are any discrepancies. If so, make note of them. If not, confirm the summary is accurate. (10 pts)
Discuss the authors’ results utilizing information from your activities in Modules 1 and 2 on evaluating data, logical fallacies, etc. Give examples where people have or could miscontrue data from the study. Do the data support the conclusions or do you think the authors are stretching to reach the conclusions that they draw? (30 points)
Do you find any flaws with the study, either in the hypothesis or execution? How would you correct these? (10 points)
Explain how you would change the conclusion or results section to more accurately reflect the study results and flaws. (10 points)

Biology homework help


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