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Biology homework help

  Evolution Research Review Topic
Science Daily article + extra research and analysis
Sources: Use 3 sources:
1.Summary of your topic on Science Daily (one ScienceDaily article relating to evolutionary biology), https://www.sciencedaily.com/
2.The original paper that is cited by ScienceDaily
3. Another paper related to your topic from a scientific journal
NOTE: do not pay for access to any article. If you need an article, ask me and I’ll try to get it for you.
Review:4 paragraphs (500–800 words) in your own words:
Paragraph 1: Summary of the topic you chose combining information from all four sources
Paragraph 2: Significance of the findings.
Paragraph 3: Analysis: address these questions:
a. Do your sources conflict?
b. Do they support/complement one another? How?
4. Paragraph 4: Analysis: address these questions:
a. What thoughts or questions do you have? especially as it relates to material that was covered in class?


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