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Assessment Description .
You are required to read the following journal article article:
How Risky is Your Company? HBR. May-June 1999  https://hbr.org/1999/05/how-risky-is-your-company
Ensure you click on the ‘Read More’ link to view the Risk Exposure Calculator.
You are also required to read a fictional case study based on a company that will be provided to you.
You must then prepare a risk assessment report on the company using the Risk Exposure Calculator and specifically address:
A. Pressure points due to growth
i) pressure for performance
ii) rate of expansion
iii) inexperience of key employees
B. Pressure points due to culture
i) rewards for entrepreneurial risk taking
ii) executive resistance to bad news
iii) level of internal competition
C. Pressure points due to information management
i) transaction complexity and velocity
ii) gaps in diagnostic performance
iii) degree of decentralised decision making


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