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Business & Finance homework help

Business & Finance homework help.

Type of
Assessment: Assessment 1 –
Unit Learning
(a) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the major steps
involved in conducting research.
(b) Demonstrate an extended understanding of various
business research designs and methods, and be able
to evaluate and explain their strengths and
weaknesses in research designs for particular projects.
(c) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of ethical issues in
research and an advanced understanding of
appropriate procedures and protocols applicable to
these issues.
(d) Critically review and evaluate research literature.
(e) Design research for a particular project, explaining the
limitations, advantages, and technical and ethical
implications of the techniques employed.
(f) Select, justify and design questions suitable for a
survey instrument and be able to analyse survey data
in relation to a particular research question.
(g) Prepare a formal research proposal investigating an
innovative and/or unresolved research question.
Criteria for
 Knowledge and Understanding
 Content and exploration of theories and ideas
 Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
 Technical skills and referencing
Assessment Task: Critically assess how “truth” is established in business and
management research. Students must identify relevant research
philosophies or paradigms and investigate their epistemology,
ontology, and axiology.
Please note that we are looking for the following:
a) Assignments must display knowledge of the relevant theory,
concepts, and literature.
b) The theory and concepts must be applied to discussing the
assignment question
c) Assignment focus upon contentious and problematic issues,
therefore they must contain a well-argued case with an appropriate
structure and obey academic conventions regarding referencing,

Business & Finance homework help


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