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Computer Science homework help

In order to complete assignment #3 you will need to answer the below questions. Please complete the questions in a Word document and then upload the assignment for grading. When assigning a name to your document please use the following format (last name_Assignment #3). Use examples from the readings, lecture notes and outside research to support your answers. The assignment must be a minimum of one (1) full page in length with a minimum of two (2) outside sources. Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:55 pm Eastern time on Sunday.
Using the Internet as a resource, develop a security checklist for an SQL Server.
Assignment Rubric (100 Points)
Sythesis of Concepts 60
Writing Standards – APA Format 20
Timeliness 20
This assignment is a summative assessment of the Course Objectives.


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