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Computer Science homework help

Business Continuity vs. Disaster Recovery Planning
Conduct research using the text book and outside resources to compare and contrast business continuity vs disaster recovery. Explain and consider the following:

  • Similarities
  • Differences
  • Planning process
  • Responds to what types of events
  • Approval and implementation
  • Key players to execute
  • How are teams selected and created
  • Resources needed
  • Top priorities

Be descriptive in nature when comparing the two, provides examples and other information to help the reader distinguish between the two.

  • 3-page minimum (do not count the title page, abstract and references)
  • APA
  • in-text citations
  • References

Find and view several online videos on unified communications. Identify the URLs for three that you think do a particularly good job illustrating the characteristics and capabilities of Unified Communication systems. Select the one that you think is best and briefly justify your selection.
Need minimum 300 words with 2 references in APA format


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