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Criminal homework help

Criminal homework help. CRM 333 REACTION PAPER GUIDELINES and RUBRIC
Your objective in writing this assignment is to provide a clearly reasoned reaction to a
controversial statement and to formulate and clarify BOTH sides of the issue as well as YOUR
Module One Controversial Statement: Parenting efforts have nothing to do with predation since
genetic propensities of the child may interfere with or not respond to parenting efforts.
Module Two Controversial Statement: Adolescent and adult offenders from dysfunctional homes
should not be held accountable for predatory behaviors due to the environmental challenges and
influences associated with their current or former homes.
Module Three Controversial Statement: There is no legal definition of sexual homicide and therefore
sexual homicide cannot truly be characterized as criminal behavior.
Module Four Controversial Statement: The more common situations of child homicide arise not out of
the intent to kill the child; rather it is the end result of harsh punishment. Therefore such offenders
should not be handled in criminal courts and the offenses should be criminal offenses, but rather the
cases should be handled in juvenile and domestic relations courts.
Module Five Controversial Statement: Individuals who gravitate towards gang involvement are often
marginalized from acquiring status in general in society via legitimate means, and their only option is to
acquire status through illegitimate means.
• The paper must be a MINIMUM of 250 words, excluding the title page and reference
page, and must adhere to the APA seventh edition writing format. Producing the
minimum amount of work is likely to produce no more than a minimum passing grade.
• At least two (2) references NOT INCLUDING THE TEXT BOOK must support your paper.
• If your paper does not comply with the APA format you will lose points. If you are not
proficient in APA formatting, I strongly suggest you use the free online citation
generator found at http://www.citationmachine.net/, choose APA format and follow
the instructions.
• The Turn It In similarity score MUST be 15% or lower or 5 points will be deducted the first time
this occurs and 10 points will be deducted every subsequent time this occurs.
Exceptional corresponds to an A- to an A (90-100%). Performance is outstanding; significantly
about usual expectations.
Proficient corresponds to a grade of B- to a B (80-89%). Skills and standards are at the level of
Basic corresponds to a C to C+ (70-79%). Skills and standards are acceptable but improvements
are needed to meet expectations well.
Novice corresponds to a D to a C- (50-69%). Performance is weak; the skills or standards are
not sufficiently demonstrated at this time.
0 This criterion is missing or not in evidence.
Criteria 0 Insufficient Basic Proficient Exceptional
Paper presents both sides of the selected
0 1 2 3 4
Clearly identifies, focuses and logically
analyzes one position in depth.
0 1 2 3 4
Paper makes a connection between the
selected position and the core value of
respect with appropriate analysis.
0 1 2 3 4
Grammar, spelling and syntax are
appropriate to the college level.
0 1 2 3 4
Typed in a double-spaced APA format
with APA citations and references.
0 1 2 3 4
GRADE Score:________ of 20 points.

Criminal homework help


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