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Criminal homework help

CRJ 410: Corrections
Week 7 | Discussion
Part 1: “Improving Parole” Please respond to the following:
Examine the rights of parolees. Then provide your opinion of whether you believe parolees should have the right to vote. Support your position by identifying and discussing a state that agrees with your position.
Part 2: Student Response
Eryn Lipson
RE: Week 7 | Discussion
Eligibility Requirements
You can register to vote and vote if you are:
A United States citizen and a resident of California,
18 years old or older on Election Day,
Not currently in state or federal prison or on parole for the conviction of a felony, and
Not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court (for more information, please see Voting Rights: Persons Subject to Conservatorship).
Persons with a criminal history who
can register to vote:
In county jail:
serving a misdemeanor sentence (a misdemeanor never affects your right to vote)
Because jail time is a condition of probation (misdemeanor or felony)
Serving a felony jail sentence
Awaiting trial
On probation
On mandatory supervision
On post-release community supervision
On federal supervised release
A person with a juvenile wardship adjudication
Persons with a criminal history who
cannot register and vote:
Currently imprisoned in:
State prison
Federal prison
Currently serving a state prison felony sentence in a county jail or other correctional facility*
Currently in county jail awaiting transfer to a state or federal prison for a felony conviction
Currently in county jail for a parole violation
Currently on parole with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Once you aredone with parole your right to vote is restored, but you must re-register online atRegisterToVote.ca.govor by filling out a paper voter registration card
I would have to agree with the state of California, no one locked up with a felony should get to vote or menially ill, and those with misdemeanour’s I feel should have the opportunity.


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