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Ecology homework help

4 page book review. Choose one of the two books:
Klein, Naomi. 2014. This changes everything: capitalism vs. the climate. Simon & Schuster, New York. 564 p. [The title describes the major theme: the battle between environmentalism and market capitalism. Klein devotes considerable attention to the environmental problems with tar sands and the Montana coal fields.
Diamond, J. 2005. Collapse: How societies choose to fail or succeed. Penguin, New York. 589 pp. [A tremendous but large book by a noted community ecologist using a comparative approach to identify societies that were sustainable and survived versus those that collapsed. The book begins with modern Montana, a fragile society beset by ecological and economic issues and moves on to Easter Island, a collapsed society. Other societies like Haiti and the adjacent Dominican Republic offer stark contrasts.
Summarizing and analyzing ( give your opinions)  about the subjects addressed in this book to show you made a critical reading of the book. No outside resources or quotations


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