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Discussion Learning Objectives:The week 9 discussion centers on the Windows Network security.In this lesson,we will be looking at the usefulness of windows communicationand how it creates efficiencyto

Discussion Learning Objectives:The week 9 discussion centers on the Windows Network security.In this lesson,we will be looking at the usefulness of windows communicationand how it creates efficiencyto organization’s business functions. At the same time, an unauthorized user can have access as well.This means that we must ensure that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information is maintained when the window’s computers communicate. Therefore, you are tasked to discuss the following:

DQ1: The principlesof Microsoft Windows network security allow access on resourcesfor authorized user, while denying access for unauthorized users. Please, discuss the above statement and provide example based on your organizational access control implementations.

DQ2. Based on the reading, how do you secure Microsoft Windows Environment Network services?

Note: All discussions must adhereto APA 6th or 7thedition format.


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