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English homework help

English homework help. Research the topic of the tweet. For the final step, you will need at least two (3) sources. • Two (2) must be an academic or government source (example: information from the CDC or World Health Org (WHO) would be acceptable if you were writing on COVID-19). • The other source can be from different newspapers, magazine articles, personal interview, podcast, documentary film. You MUST cite ALL of your sources at the end of this section, including your tweet. PLEASE FACT CHECK YOUR WORK (ie: that you are using research from legit sources)! Step 4: Final step—Write a news article of approximately 500 words. Do not go over 500 words. (Example: if you find a tweet on COVID-19 and young adults, then you would do the research and then write a 500 word article. This is not dissimilar to a mini research paper). You are in essence creating what is known as “second source” journalism. This is the type of journalism used by many online publications like Buzz Feed, Huffington Post, Bust, etc…What this means is that rather than using firsthand information (interviews, first-person research, etc…) that was done by the journalist/s, the writer/s are relying on the information from other sources or news articles/publications/news agencies like Associated Press (AP) or Reuters. They may be reading several articles on the same subject, and from that creating their own article on that subject. Most newspapers rely on agencies like Reuters or AP, but they also rely on independent journalists (stringers) for their news. So most news is second hand from other sources. IF you want to use a personal interview for your article, you can—you just need to cite it as a personal interview. You will also need to use in-text citations (author, date). You need to cite where you got your Tweet from, and all of the sources you used to research your news article. This is what fact checkers do. Make sure your article has a headline and a byline (your name) underneath the headline

English homework help


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