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Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Background Pope County is a county in the state of Minnesota, with the seat being Russellville. The county is situated northwest of Arkansas halfway between the state

Risk and Vulnerability Assessment


Pope County is a county in the state of Minnesota, with the seat being Russellville. The county is situated northwest of Arkansas halfway between the state capital and the cities of Fort Smith and Fayetteville. The geography of the state is diverse, with Ozark national forest from the northern part and Arkansas River valley in the southern part (U.S. Census Bureau, 2020). The county has a land area of 669.71 square miles and a population of 16.4 people per square miles per 2010. Population estimates, as per 2019, stand at 11,249 people, which translates to a percentage decrease of 2.3% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2020).


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