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Humanities Homework Help

Humanities Homework Help. African Centered Education Discussion Questions

 1. First impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting?

 2. Essential message

 3. For what reasons does the writer suggests that an African-centered education is a plausible and necessary solution to combat the existing miseducation of        African Americans?

 4. Name and describe the two ways in which the American public education system functions as an oppressor of African American students.

 5. What is the difference between an African-centered education and a Eurocentric education?

 6. What does social justice in an African-centered education for African American school-aged children look like?

 7. What are some of the main issues with the development of Black history and Black studies programs in K-12 public schools?

 8. What are the qualitative problems that plague K-12 social studies curricula regarding the teaching of Black history?

 9. Why do some students see no value in Black history education?

10. Name and define the three theoretical approaches that have defined Black history education over the past five decades.

11. How does implementing a Black historical consciousness framework in K-12 public schools challenge traditional Eurocentric approaches to history?

12. Significance for African Americans and education

Humanities Homework Help


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