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Your assignment is to draft two or more research questions. These questions can be either qualitative or quantitative or a mixture of both.
Qualitative: Research questions must be aligned with the purpose statement.  Qualitative research questions should be open-ended and reflect the nature of the qualitative design (avoid yes/no and closed-ended questions).
Quantitative: Research questions must be aligned with the purpose statement and should include proposed hypothesis(es). Ensure the research questions and hypothesis(es) are aligned with the purpose statement. The research questions and hypotheses must be directly answerable, specific, and testable based on the data collected.
(Quantitative/Mixed Studies Only)
Both null hypotheses and alternative hypotheses should be stated. Each must directly correspond with a research question.  Hypotheses must be stated in testable, potentially negatable, form with each variable operationalized.  Note: Each hypothesis represents one distinct testable prediction.  Upon testing, each hypothesis must be entirely supported or entirely negated.
Length: 1 page, not including title page (reference page not required)
Your research questions should be directly aligned with the purpose statement. Your research questions should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate.


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