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Psychology homework help. Career Exploration Paper Instructions
Career interest for this assignment counselor, ptobation officer, teacher, business owner
The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to pull all of the components of career exploration for yourself and your future clients. After reviewing the results of the O*NET Interest Profiler and Value Sort, you selected 1 potential career that you wanted to explore further and gathered information about the career. Follow the guidelines below to contruct your paper.
References: For this paper, much of the information that you report will come directly from O*NET. Thus, you will cite information from O*NET in this paper differently than your other references. In the introduction paragraph, include the following sentence:
Unless otherwise cited, the career information presented in this paper was obtained from O*NET On-Line (National Center for O*NET Development, 20XX).
In addition to O*NET, you must have at least 2 other references. One reference must be from CareerOneStop and the other from Occupational Outlook Handbook for the occupation. These 2 sources are accessible through the O*NET summary page for your occupation. These resources must be cited in text using current APA format. All 3 references must be included on the reference page. Read the information on below for additional information.
Instructions: Divide your paper using the bold headings below (without Roman numerals), andwrite a 4–6-page current APA-formatted paper (no abstract). Remember to bold and center all Level 1 headings. Your paper may be written in first person. Save your paper in Word as last name_first initial_career_exploration_paper (Example: Doe_J_ career_exploration_paper).
Address each question thoroughly:
Career Field and Occupation of Choice

  • How do the occupational characteristics and requirements fit with your current interests and values?
  • How do the occupational characteristics and requirements fit with your career goals?
  • What advantages/limitations do you see in using O*Net in your future career as a counselor?
  • List the occupation you have chosen to explore. Also, include your 3 primary Holland Codes and the O*NET SOC Code.

The Nature of the Work for this career, including such things as:

  • Duties,
  • Skills,
  • Activities, and
  • Typical work day.

Working Conditions for this career, including such things as:

  • Work environment,
  • Hours,
  • Work alone or with others
  • Type of supervision,
  • Populations worked with (age, socio-economic level, presenting issues), and
  • Psychological aspects of work setting (stress levels, crisis situations, deadlines, multiple tasks, etc.).

Preparation and Qualifications for this career, including such things as:

  • Education,
  • Skills,
  • Experience, and
  • Personal traits.

Opportunities and Future Outlook for this career, including such things as:

  • Occupation workforce size and composition,
  • Geographic distribution,
  • Large/small firms, and
  • Security/advancement/related opportunities.

Economic and Non-Economic Benefits for this career, including such things as:

  • Entry-level/average annual earnings (locally and elsewhere),
  • Related benefits (insurance, vacation, sick leave, education), and
  • Non-economic benefits:
    • Personal satisfaction factors,
    • Associated lifestyle, and
    • Psychological rewards.

Disadvantages and/or Special Situations for this career, including such things as:

  • Irregular work hours,
  • Seasonal work,
  • Overtime or night work,
  • Travel, and


  • What aspects of the occupational characteristics and requirements appeal to you? Which aspects surprised or disappointed you? What have you learned about yourself?
  • How do these occupational characteristics and requirements fit with your current interests and values?
  • How do the occupational characteristics and requirements fit with your career goals?
  • Describe the advantages and limitations of using O*Net in your future career as a counselor
  • How might you use the Career Exploration Process in your future practice?

Submit this assignment on Blackboard and LiveText/Tevera by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday of Module/Week 7.
References for this Assignment
O*NET: Adapt the following reference format for your selected occupation. The date to use in the reference is marked below. The following information is for the Mental Health Counselors report:
National Center for O*NET Development. (2010). Summary Report: Mental Health Counselors. (O*Net Report No. 21-1014.00). Retrieved from O*Net Online website: http://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/21-1014.00
At the bottom of this page, you will find links to the following required sites:
CareerOneStop: Selecting information for your state will take you to the CareerOneStop site.
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Go to the sources of additional information for your occupation. This will take you to the Occupational Outlook Handbook site. Review APA formatting when citing information from these 2 organizations.

Psychology homework help


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