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Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Word count 2500 (excluding references)
Due date 29/05/2020 (Friday)
APA style referencing
Minimum 15 references
Please choose one of the following case studies.
Assessment 2 Case Studies – Essay
Question: Essay / Case Study analysis
Choose 1 case study to base your essay/case study analysis on one of the case studies
In your essay you will analysis the case study and critically evaluate the theoretical approach and intervention/s that you would use as a practitioner working with this scenario.
Support your ideas and proposed approaches to practice. You can choose one or more of the theoretical models to prepare your essay. For example: Strengths Based Approaches, Attachment Theory, Systems/Ecological approach and Anti-Oppressive practice and many others.
Your essay should include consideration of:

  • The social work/practitioner roleand the likely organisational contextof the service/s involved in the case study.
  • Who is your primary clientand consideration their significant others(e.g carers, extended family, friends, peers) when working in partnership in this case.
  • What are yourinitial thoughtsabout the case study and what you would take into consideration preparing to work with the people in the case study?
  • How dotheory and models of practice help you to understand the situation?
  • How does your understanding of theory and models of practice influence the approach you might takewith the case study. Outline how you would workwith the people in this scenario.
  • Critically evaluateyour chosen approach to working with the client using literature

Case study 1: Bailey
Organisation type: Youth support service
Bailey is 16 years old and left home 8 months ago. She lives in a regional town with limited employment options for young people. Since leaving home Bailey has stayed with various friends and tried living with her grandmother (Karen). She moves around, staying with friends when she can. She heard about the youth support service as a place for food and to charge her phone. After visiting several times for emergency assistance, Bailey has been referred for ongoing support and case management services. At this time she has no stable accommodation and is not working or attending school.
Her mother (Frida) and stepfather (Michael) live in a smaller town close by. Her biological father lives in Malaysia and she has not had contact with him since she was 3 years old. Bailey has an older sister, Dana (age 21) who attends university interstate. Bailey has told the youth service she gets along ok with her mother and sister but the reason she does not return home is because she does not get along with her stepfather. She used to see the school counsellor when she attended school but had never told her mother about this.
Case study 2: Maya & Rifat
Organisation type: Refugee & Migrant Support Service
Rifat & his wife Maya are a couple with two children (ages 11, 9). The family are from Syria and arrived in Australia 3 years ago as part of the Humanitarian and Refugee program. Rifatl’s brother had been politically active in Syria and after he disappeared, local authorities began to target his family members. After a long and arduous journey the family travelled to a refugee camp in Turkey before being accepted to come to Australia.
After receiving some support when they first arrived, the children attend school and Rifat found work as a mechanic. However some months ago he witnessed a violent crime at the business next door. He was involved in providing a witness statement to the police, however since then he has not been able to return to work and lost his job. He is increasingly spending time at home and does not allow visitors. Maya’s English is limited and she does not have employment but has formed has some close friendships with families from the Syrian community.
Case study 3: Marion & Evan & Sean
Organisation type: Family support service
Marion is 64 and has the full time care of their 5 year old grandson, Sean. Her son Evan (age 28) and daughter-in-law Skye have been unable to look after Sean due to periods of drug use leading to the involvement of Child Protection services. No formal orders are currently in place and Evan occasionally visits Sean at Marion’s place. There have been some times in the past when Evan and Skye have visited when they are under the influence of drugs or made threats and Marion has called the police.
During his most recent visit Evan said he has finally left Skye and wants Sean to live with him. Marion experienced violence in her relationship with Evan’s father who does not have any contact with the family. Marion also stated she experienced the loss of her father at the age of 6, due to illness, and witnessed her own mother struggle when she remarried a man who was violent when using alcohol.
Case study 4: Shane & Robin
Organisation type: Carer support service
Shane is 57 and Robin is 49. The couple have two teenage sons (aged 15 and 18). Shane was looking forward to retirement when his youngest child left school however he has recently been diagnosed with early onset dementia and has just left work. Up until this time Robin has been working as a teacher’s assistant but due to Shane’s health she now needs to plan to care for him full time. She is also worried that her younger son has become withdrawn and avoids spending time with Shane in particular, when previously they had a close relationship. Six months ago the family’s house was damaged in a once in 100 year flood event that has impacted on the whole area. The recovery process is still underway and repairs are yet to be made to their house, which was not insured. Robin had thought that Shane’s confusion and anger were due to the stress of the flood and recovery, but now she is thinking it might have been due to his health problems.
Case study 5: Jenny, Lee & children Kyra & Ami
Organisation type: Government child protection agency (remote service team)
Jenny (aged 28) and Lee (aged 32) are Aboriginal and live in a remote community during the wet season and an outstation during the dry season. A notification from the local health clinic within the remote community has been received, advising Kyra and Ami will be air lifted to Hospital due to weight loss (each averaging 200 grams per week). Jenny is pregnant and is also considered to be severely malnourished so will also be flying in with the children for treatment. Within the notification, information suggests the application of the World Health Organisation classification for malnourishment indicates both children are within the ‘severe’ category and this is unusual for children of this age.
The notifier has stated they have continued to experience difficulties in following-up health issues for the children because family spends large amounts of time at their Outstation and there is no service outreach to this location. Kyra and Ami have had two prior hospitalisations for failure to thrive and each time their weight had increased on their return to community however contact is lost when family moves to the outstation. Jenny has disclosed that there is often little to no food available at the Outstation as it runs out quickly and her nutritional needs take low priority in the family. Lee has never attended the health service with Jenny or the children. When the Centre has used a local interpreter to discuss family issues, Jenny is even less forthcoming with details of her family life however a staff member at the health centre has told the notifier that she saw Lee driving around the community recently in a new 4-wheel drive.
Suggestive references:

  1. Maidment, J., & Egan, R. (2016). (Eds.) (3rd ed.). Practice skills in social work and  welfare: More than just common sense. Crows Nest, NSW: Allen and Unwin. (Chapter 2 Page 19-34)
  2. McCashen, W (2005) Processes and skills of the Strengths Approach (Chapter 4)
  3. Pattoni, L (2012) Strengths based approaches for working with individuals: Insight 16. Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRSS). Retrieved from https://www.iriss.org.uk/resources/insights/strengths-based-approaches-working-individuals
  4. Saleebey, D. (2006) The Strength perspective in social work practice. 7th
  5. Gray, Mel. (2011). Back to basics: A critique of the strengths perspective in social work. Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services,92(1), 5-11. DOI: 10.1606/1044-3894.4054
  6. Guo, W., & Tsui, M. (2010). From resilience to resistance: A reconstruction of the strengths perspective in social work practice. International Social Work,53(2), 233-245 DOI: 10.1177/0020872809355391
  7. Mirick, R. (2013). An Unsuccessful Partnership: Behavioral Compliance and Strengths-Based Child Welfare Practice. Families in Society, 94(4), 227-234. DOI: 10.1606/1044-3894.4323
  8. Dalrymple, J. & Burke, B. (2006) Anti-oppressive Practice: Social care and the law (2nd ed) McGraw-Hill Education CDU Catelogue (E-book) http://ebookcentral.proquest.com.ezproxy.cdu.edu.au/lib/cdu/detail.action?docID=316265
  9. Dominelli, L. (2009) People who misuse substances : addictions or responses to difficult life circumstances and relationships? (Chapter 7) Dominelli, L. (2009). Introducing social work Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA: Polity.
  10. Raineri, M., & Calcaterra, V. (2018). Social work strategies against crisis in everyday practice: An anti-oppressive case study. International Social Work,61(1), 130-142. DOI: 10.1177/0020872815606793
  11. Wendt, S & Seymour, S (2009) Applying Post-structuralist ideas to empowerment: Implications for social work education. Social Work Education: The International Journal 29 (6) 670-682, DOI: 10.1080/02615470903342093
  12. Howe, D. (2011) Attachment across the lifecourse. A brief introduction.Published Palgrave Macmillian
  13. Keller, H. (2013). Attachment and culture. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(2), 175-194. doi:10.1177/0022022112472253http://ezproxy.cdu.edu.au/login?url=http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0022022112472253
  14. Ryan, F (2011) Kanyininpa (Holding): A way of nurturing children in Aboriginal Australia. Australian Social Work,64:2, 183-197.
  15. Arvidson, J., Kinniburgh, K., Howard, K. et al. (2011) Treatment of complex trauma in young children: Developmental and cultural considerations in application of the ARC intervention model. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma.4: 34. https://doi.org/10.1080/19361521.2011.545046
  16. Knight, C. (2015). Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: Practice Considerations and Challenges. Clinical Social Work Journal,43(1), 25-37. DOI: 10.1007/s10615-014-0481-6
  17. Payne, M (2014) Modern Social Work TheoryPalgrave MacMillan
  18. Connolly, M., & Harms, L. (2015). Systems theories (Chapter 3), Connolly, M. & Harms, L. (2015) Social work: From theory to practice(Second ed.). Cambridge ; Port Melbourne, vic.: Cambridge university press.
  19. Howe, D. (2009) Systemic and ecological approaches(Chapter 14). A brief introduction to social work theory. Basingstoke. England
  20. Johnson, J & Grant, G. (2007) A multi-systemic approach to practice(Chapter 1)
  21. Roberts, J., Abu‐Baker, K., Diez Fernández, C., Chong Garcia, N., Fredman, G., Kamya, H., … Zevallos Vega, R. (2014). Up Close: Family Therapy Challenges and Innovations Around the World. Family Process, 53(3), 544-576DOI: 1111/famp.12093
  22. Tudge, J., Mokrova, I., Hatfield, B., & Karnik, R. (2009). Uses and Misuses of Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Theory of Human Development. Journal of Family Theory & Review,1(4), 198-210.
  23. Hepworth, D., Rooney, R., Rooney, G., Strom-Gottfried, K. (2013) Direct social work practice: Theory and skills.Cengage Learning.
  24. Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2007). Critical reflection and direct practice (Chapter 11). Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2007) Practising critical reflection a resource handbook.Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  25. O’Neill, P., & Fariña, M. (2018). Constructing Critical Conversations in Social Work Supervision: Creating Change. Clinical Social Work Journal, 46(4), 298-309. DOI: 10.1007/s10615-018-0681-6
  26. Weld, N. (2011) Working with emotion (Chapter 4). Weld, Nicki. (2011) A Practical Guide to Transformative Supervision for the Helping Professions Amplifying Insight. London ; Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, 2012.


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