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When entrepreneurs and companies use tools to work on market segmentation and target marketing, they essentially seek answers to the following questions raised in Chapter Six: · Why do market segmentation and target marketing make sense? · Why not sell the same products or services to everyone? · How can potentially attractive market segments be identified and defined? So is this class, we will undertake a similar process through discussing the following five questions: Question #1 How to achieve market segmentations? Question #2 Why Five-Step Process technique is useful for marketer to use in choosing attractive market segments? Question #3 One of the three common targeting strategies is “niche-market strategy”. Explain this strategy and provide examples. Question #4 One of the three common targeting strategies is “mass-market strategy”. Explain this strategy and provide examples. Question #5 One of the three common targeting strategies is “growth-market strategy”. Explain this strategy and provide examples. QUESTION 2. 1. Provide a basic description of instruction sets and machine translation. You can include illustrations with in-text citations to identify the sources. Submit a one to two page paper in APA format. Here is a video to get you started. https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video;_ylt=AwrC5plg57heniIAzCf7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBncGdyMzQ0BHNlYwNzZWFyY2gEdnRpZAM-;_ylc=X1MDOTY3ODEzMDcEX3IDMgRhY3RuA2NsawRjc3JjcHZpZANsYnFhMnpFd0xqRk5vODFDWHF4UW5nQ2lNVEEzTGdBQUFBRG9pMF9BBGZyA3lmcC10LXMEZnIyA3NhLWdwBGdwcmlkA3A3SDNPYWZTUnhPMnlYUHVMY0ZUSEEEbl9yc2x0AzYwBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgN2aWRlby5zZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMwBHBxc3RyAwRwcXN0cmwDBHFzdHJsAzQ5BHF1ZXJ5A2luc3RydWN0aW9uJTIwc2V0cyUyMGFuZCUyMG1hY2hpbmUlMjB0cmFuc2xhdGlvbnMEdF9zdG1wAzE1ODkxNzY3NDY-?p=instruction+sets+and+machine+translations&ei=UTF-8&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av%2Cm%3Asa&fr=yfp-t-s#id=12&vid=e05362c8c43cc47befea79e41627748f&action=view

When entrepreneurs and companies use tools to work on market segmentation and target marketing, they essentially seek answers to the following questions raised in Chapter Six:
· Why do market segmentation and target marketing make sense?
· Why not sell the same products or services to everyone?
· How can potentially attractive market segments be identified and defined?
So is this class, we will undertake a similar process through discussing the following five questions:
Question #1 How to achieve market segmentations?
Question #2 Why Five-Step Process technique is useful for marketer to use in choosing attractive market segments?
Question #3 One of the three common targeting strategies is “niche-market strategy”.  Explain this strategy and provide examples.
Question #4 One of the three common targeting strategies is “mass-market strategy”.  Explain this strategy and provide examples.
Question #5 One of the three common targeting strategies is “growth-market strategy”.  Explain this strategy and provide examples.
1. Provide a basic description of instruction sets and machine translation. You can include illustrations with in-text citations to identify the sources. Submit a one to two page paper in APA format.
Here is a video to get you started.


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