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History Homework Help

History Homework Help. Lets have some fun this week comparing the 1920s with what is occurring in America today. Do you see any similarities from the Red Scare of last century with American Politics today? There were scanda

Lets have some fun this week comparing the 1920s with what is occurring in America today. Do you see any similarities from the Red Scare of last century with American Politics today? There were scandals in the 1920s, such as the Tea Pot Dome, do we have any notable scandals today? The 18th Amendment had been passed and during the 1920s the American people had to deal with prohibition, do you find any examples of prohibition today?  

Those are some general comparisons, but you are free to examine the 1920s and compare/contrast with modern day of any concept. Please use OpenStax chapter 24 (The Jazz Age) or Exploring American Histories Chapter 21 (The Twenties) to gather information of the time period. You can use outside resources for comparisons.

Discussion post needs to be at least 1-2 paragraphs long ! 

link for the textbook:

https://cnx.org/contents/[email protected]:[email protected]/Introduction

History Homework Help


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